Whether you need a brand new website or a redesign, we can help create a specialized, creative solution just for you ... just look at our work! We specialize in working with Authors, Small Businesses and Creative Individuals.

What's the process?

First, take a look at Our Work, which is separated by specialty. Also look at websites of other authors and take note of what you like, whether it's design features, layout, navigation or content. Next, send us an email and let us know what you're looking for. You'll hear back from us within 24 hours to let you know what additional information we'll need to give you an estimate. Once we have all of the requirements, you'll receive a customized estimate for your new website and we'll give you a time-line for completion. Most websites have a development time of 3-4 weeks (larger websites will take longer) and the time-line will be established based on our current workload.

How much will I pay?

We give estimates on all new website designs/redesigns, but for a better idea of how much you'll pay, head over to our rates page, which is broken down by website type/specialty and size.

Who updates the website once it's done? Do you use Wordpress?

That's completely up to you! If you have the time and skills, we can develop a website that you can update yourself using either Wordpress or a custom Content Management System (CMS). Also, it doesn't have to be either/or - we can develop a website that's a hybrid where you can update sections like News or a Blog and have us update the rest.

Having said that, we've found that our clients either don't have the time or the desire to update their own websites - approximately 95% of our current clients leave the updating to us.

How can I pay for my website?

Payment methods include check, ACH through Stripe, QuickPay through Zelle, and Paypal (for international clients only). All new websites are billed at the end of the project.

Do you design websites using Squarespace, Weebly or Wix?

We hand code and build all of our websites from scratch. Platoforms like Squarespace, Weebly and Wix are targeted to individuals who want to build their own website without the technical skills to build one from scratch. However, we are always available to help with websites that are built on any of these platforms. If you need assistance, just contact us and let us know what you need.

I'm interested, what do I do now?

That's easy, just send us an email and we'll take it from there!


Don't have the time or ability to update your website? Something not working properly or you've been hacked? We are here to help! We maintain websites for 95% of our clients. There are no contracts or set monthly fees. We simply charge a flat hourly rate of $60 an hour billed in 15 minute increments and invoiced at the end of each month.

Can you maintain/update a website that you didn't build?

Absolutely! About 15% of the websites that we update and maintain were not designed by us. We can take over maintenance of any website as long as you have access to your websites and files. Contact us with your questions.

I think my website was hacked. Can you help?

Yes! If your website's been hacked, we're here to help. Just send us a message and let us know what's happening with your website and we'll help you get your website back from the hackers.

How long does it take for you to make updates?

For existing clients, we usually get websites updates done within 2-3 days. However, we ask that you give us at least a week's notice to make sure your website updates are done by/on your desired date. If you're new, we would need to add a few extra days so that we can set up an account and make sure we have access to your website. Contact us now to get started!

I only have small changes. Can I still be a client?

Our motto is that no task is too big or too small. We track our time and you are billed in 15 minute increments. Whether it's a one time fix or you become a long term client, let us know what you need and we'll be happy to help.


Need help setting up your newsletter system, managing your list, or formatting and sending newsletters? We are here to help with all aspects of your email campaigns and mailing list systems. We can either work with your existing system such as Mailchimp, Mailerlite or Constant Contact, or we can help set up a standalone mailing list management system on your self hosted web server. Contact us and let us know how we can help.


Need help with your social media? Whether it's graphics, cover photos & branding or assistance with posting, we've got you covered! Send us an email to let us know how we can help with your social media platforms.


Do you offer domain registration and web hosting services?

Unlike other web design shops, we do not offer domain registration or web hosting. What we prefer to do is assist our clients in signing up for both directly from the the domain registration and web hosting companies, which gives you full control of your domain and web hosting plan. When a design shop is offering these services, they are simply functioning as resellers, which they then turn at a profit. This causes several problems: 1) You're usually paying more for both; 2) Your accounts might be under someone else's name, which doesn't give you full control; 3) If you decide to move to a different web design company, chances are you'll have to move your hosting as well or worse, lose access to your website files. Simply put - you should register your domain directly with a domain registration company and you should sign up for your own web hosting plan directly from a web hosting company. This gives you full control of your domain and your website. Contact us now if you need help.

Can you recommend a good domain registration and web hosting company?

Absolutely! We always recommend companies that we currently use or have used ourselves. For domain registration, it doesn't really matter who you use, so look for one that offers a competitive price. You don't have to use the same company for your domain registration and web hosting, so shop around. We personally use For web hosting, you have to be more careful about the company you use. Some of the bigger named web hosting companies are popular because they are well known, but that comes with off-shoring their support and lack of security. We won't name names here, but we will if you ask! We personally use and recommend Inmotion Hosting as we've used them for years and have a good portion of our clients signed up with them as well. They offer very competitive pricing and excellent online support. Questions? Contact us and we'll be happy to help.


We offer a full range of digital graphic design services for your website or social media, including logo design. Additionally, we offer print design for ads and promotional items such as business cards, bookmarks, postcards, flyers, rack cards and more. Contact us now for an estimate on your graphic design work.


Are you an author in need of e-book or print cover design? You've come to the right place! If you're a self published author and need a book cover design, please take a look at our work and check out our rates. If you have any questions or would like us to design your next book cover, send us an email.


Are you a self published author looking for help with e-book or print book formatting? Or are you an author in need of scanning services to bring your backlist back to life? Either way, we've got you covered. We also offer scanning services to convert print books to e-books. Rates vary depending on the size of your book. Please send us an email and let us know how we can help format your next book.


We've listed all of our typical services related to web design, maintenance, and maintaining an online presence. The list is not exhaustive and we are here to help grow your business in any way that we can. If you're looking for something that's not listed, please send us a message and let us know what you need. If we can't help, we might know someone else who can!